Fiscal printer for petrol stations
Fiscal printer POS.21 for petrol stations is certified in Ukraine and includes 3 main parts inside of it:
- Fiscal module for petrol station - main part of the system, which is responsible for registration of fiscal data and printing of fiscal receipts using the printer, control over fuel dispensers through connected PTS controller, storage of all information on performed sales in non-volatile fiscal memory, transfer of all receips with electronic signature to remote server of tax inspection.
- PTS controller over fuel dispensers and ATG systems for petrol stations - is responsible for provision of control over connected fuel dispensers and ATG tank measurement systems. PTS controller knows communication protocols of more than 70 different brands of fuel dispensers and more than 15 brands of ATG tank measurement systems.
- Receipts printer CUSTOM VKP80II - is used for printing of fiscal receipts on sales and reports on activity of petrol station. Printer is installed in the same case with boards of fiscal module and PTS controller. The case is sealed during operation.
Operation #
Certified fiscal registers are installed on each petrol station in between the local management system (POS or payment terminal) and the dispensers and tank's measurement systems. The fiscal registers are equipped inside with the forecourt controller and a receipts printer and guarantee that all the sales done through them are registered in internal non-erasable fiscal memory and uploaded to a tax server. These fiscal registers provide the following functions:
- automatic registration of petroleum products reception into the tanks of petrol stations using automatic tank gauging systems and tank calibration charts
- control over fuel dispensers and registration of the completed sales in the fiscal memory. The controller over dispensers is built-in inside the fiscal register and guarantees that all the performed sales are saved inside the fiscal memory, which is protected from distortion by external influences, there is no way to make sales without registration in the fiscal memory
- printout of fiscal receipts for customers
- provision of reports from the fiscal memory on all conducted transactions for the sales of petroleum products at the gas stations for any period
- transfer of fiscal data to the central server of the State Tax Service, so all performed sales are accounted and also the balance of the petroleum products volume received, sold and remained at petrol station is controlled

Fiscal printer allows connection of the following equipment:
- POS (for example with NaftaPOS software)
- Fuel dispensers
- ATG tank measurement systems
- Clients pole display
- Money box
- Barcodes scanner
In POS.21 fiscal printer a possibility of organization of several working places of cashiers is foreseen, when operation over same fuel dispensers should be done from several control systems. This question is solved in the logic of PTS controller operation.
The POS.21 fiscal printer can be applied inside the outdoor payment terminal.